Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Watch out for Wikipedia"

Wikipedia is becoming an increasingly popular source for Discussion Board posts. While I am a Wikipedia fan, it is far from error free. I have even corrected some errors myself. The advantage of Wikipedia is that most of the wrong information gets corrected eventually.

Michael Mandel, the always interesting chief economist at Business Week has a post today on his Economics Unbound blog, about some of the pitfalls in relying on Wikipedia in doing economics research. Click here to read Mandel’s post.

Extra Credit: Define the macro “Misery Index”. What is the current level of “Misery Index” in the United States? If you are the first student to send me an e-mail ( with the answer, you will be rewarded with two extra credit Discussion Board points. Only two points extra credit per student can be earned in any given week from the blog questions.

1 comment:

Nikita said...

The misery index uses economic variables such as gross domestic product, consumer price inflation or wage growth to determine how they influence profit margins and how that will translate into earnings growth. It is a useful indicator to show improvement as it is the sum of inflation and unemployment rates. The current unemployment rate in the United States is 4.4% (October 2006) and the consumer price index or inflation rate is listed at -.5% (October 2006). The sum of these two rates indicates that the current misery index (or as current as I could possibly report) is listed at 3.9%.